Synergistic Talent Management


Talent management is not an event but rather a practice that cuts across several organizational disciplines: attracting, on-boarding, engaging, performing, developing, and rewarding.

These must work in unison as a system. Most organizations create and maintain separate talent practices that do not talk to each other and are not built as a total system.

As such these become clunky and efficient, and the power and value of a total synergistic talent management practice is lost.

Grooming leaders is perhaps the single most important practice in an enterprise... once you have the right structure and business model... it must be run and led by World Class Leaders.

At Level4 we help build the bridges between your current talent practices so that they become a maximized, single unified and focused system designed to develop and grow great leaders... and if you do not have any talent practices in place we can design and implement a total system from scratch.





Employee engagement is a means to increase and focus productive energy in any organization. Typically surveys are administered annually and the results prescribe actions to improve engagement. The problem is that employee and organizational engagement focuses on the "external" levers that when pulled increase engagement... these include better offices, career conversations, more work life balance, etc. These solutions work but only for a season. Change the environment and things will improve for a while; let the environment slip and engagement returns to lower levels. 

At Level4 we have figured out that the next level of organization engagement comes from within. It is not an external lever to be pulled but rather an internal state to be aligned to. As such, we have trademarked the name INgagement.

This work is about helping employees release their internal passion and drive on the job. The collective results of this approach are short of phenomenal, and the impact INgagement has on organizational performance is remarkable.



Executive Core Coaching


Leadership coaching typically possesses several flaws. The assumption is if you pinpoint the critical leadership behaviors that are requiring work then you focus on those, whether it be to further strengthen or develop them. What is missed is the "core" of what lies behind the behaviors... what is the driving force that brings those desired behaviors out and converts them into sustainable practices. Executive coaches typically focus on the surface behavior and not the underlying driving force behind it. Deal with the core and the surface behaviors often magically disappear instantly.

The other fatal flaw in traditional executive coaching is that clear, targeted development plans are rarely created and monitored. Thus, coaching becomes a thing your organization "asks you to do" rather than a powerful means to develop, drive, enhance, measure and track desired change and impact. Both you and your organization should clearly understand the desired expectations for change and accurately measure results over the course of the program.

At Level4 we understand that behind every leader's behavior and practice there is are underlying motivations... we focus first on the motivation, then we develop and measure a solid plan to unlock their full potential. We work with both the targeted leader and his manager to ensure that core motivations are addressed, behaviors changed, and new practices are developed and sustained.  


Organizational Systems Consulting


Most organizations spend considerable time, energy and money addressing the surface behaviors of their problems and try to change them from there. An example might be making a slow and costly manufacturing operations more efficient and streamlined by creating a "just in time" inventory system rather than asking: "Should we be in the business of manufacturing at all... can others do this for us cheaper and better?" This is like adding an extra aileron to compensate for a poorly designed aircraft wing rather than fundamentally redesigning the airplane, or even better determining whether flying is the appropriate solution for the problem.

At Level4 we understand that underlying "systems" are at the root of most organizational disfunction, and addressing the disfunction is only a small part of the solution.

When we consult for organization effectiveness we ask the fundamental questions which yield deep and profound insights... insights which often are missed or overlooked when you are merely problem solving.

We like to think we help your organization create new levels of value, rather than solve old problems.